Vacation Bible School

Our Leaders


Here at Vacation Bible School (VBS), the church body collectively sets aside one week to reach the surrounding community. We hope to touch the lives of the children who live in the surrounding towns and teach them about the love of Jesus in a creative, engaging manner. Each year about 100 people from Gospel volunteer over the course of VBS week. Each volunteer is committed to reaching every child that walks through our doors in hopes of engaging them long enough to have Jesus move in their hearts. It is our heart to see the children of this generation to discover Jesus and engage the Kingdom of God. This community event unites the body of Christ in reaching the unchurched and churched kids regardless of their history. For one week we come together and ask the Lord to move in the hearts of His children.

VBS 2025 Nascar: One Way To Jesus Registration Coming SOON!

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Contact us to learn more and how you can get started